Author Visit FAQs

What are your fees?

My fees range from $350 to $1,275, plus reasonable travel expenses for schools more than 100 miles from Laguna Beach, Calif. The end fee depends on many variables including length of event, size of audience, distance from my home, etc. I'm very much a night owl, so schools that book me later in the day rate a 15% discount. Please contact me for details.

Our school or PTA doesn't have enough funds. What can we do?

Many schools or PTA groups order and sell the author's books themselves to meet all or part of the funds needed. There are also a variety of grants that may be of help. The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators offers the Amber Brown Grant, which provides funds to host an author. The Barbara Bush Foundation offers generous grants to literacy-minded schools. Scholastic's website offers a sizable list of grant opportunities. Don't forget to check out SchoolGrants.

Are your presentations aimed at a specific grade or age?

I perform for all ages and stages--toddler through grandparent. In brief:

The youngest audiences (ages 2-4) typically appreciate a shorter program, something in the 20-25 minute range. I bring some soft toys as props, do a lively reading from my books, and may encourage them to join in on "rhyme repeats" or other interactive exchanges. My "Skateboard Cow" persona is a natural for this age!

Grades K-1 are ready for more. In addition to what was noted above, they'll learn, through my slide show, some general concepts about the life of an author and how a book is put together. Skateboard Cow works great with this group, too. Approximately 30-40 minutes.

Grades 2-4 get the full treatment. In addition to what's above, I provide them with concrete examples of the importance of learning to read and write well, and demonstrate the rewards that come from patience, perseverance and working toward a goal. For this group, I typically perform as "Skateboard Mom." Approximately 45 minutes.

Grades 5 and up is more academic in tone. Here, I emphasize the importance of revision, the challenges of working with an editor, and I delve deeper into the inner workings of an author's creative process. I introduce the importance of "write what you know" and talk about how a professional author deals with rejection. If there's time, a casual Q&A session is often perfect for the older audiences. If the school wishes, I can also talk about my experiences as a Los Angeles Times sports reporter and other ways I've earned a living through the written word. Forty-five minutes or longer.

Do you do evening events?

Absolutely. Whether it be a "Family Book Fair," a "Pajama Storytime" or a PTA meeting, I am comfortable in all settings. (One special event I'd love to take part in: a Grandparent-Grandchild Book Brunch.) I am a huge fan of children's reading, and enjoy speaking to parent groups on bringing the magic of books into the home--or yard!--using Skateboard Mom's "Top 10 Tips To Get Your Kids To Love Books (Without A Fuss)." 

Do you do virtual visits? 

Indeed! I was an early adopter of Skype videoconferencing and love to interact with my young fans in various parts of the world. Skype is easy to install (seriously--it took me four minutes tops!) and free to use. A video Q&A session can be an excellent warm-up to an IRL visit. Or, for schools that can't host me in person, it can be the next best thing.

We'd love for you to autograph your books for the students. Can you do that?

Of course! Books can be ordered and sold by the school itself (ordering directly from my publishers at a 40-50% discount), through a local bookstore (i.e. Mrs. Nelson's or A Whale of A Tale), or I can bring and sell the books myself. If you choose one of the first two options, it is imperative that books are ordered at least 4-6 weeks in advance. Please contact me for further information.

What equipment will you need?

A cordless, hands-free microphone is best (especially for skateboard tricks) but I can make due with more conventional setups. I bring my PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive, so I will need a working projector and screen.

Do you perform inside or outside?

Either way works. Inside is best for the PowerPoint, obviously. Outside, I can do more on my skateboard. Some schools organize it so that the students follow me outside after my presentation to watch my skateboard tricks. Overall, though, a nice slice of smooth floor inside a cafeteria or multipurpose room is just fine by me. Keep in mind that skateboarding is only a small part of my program, and outdoors is typically a more challenging space to keep a young audience's attention.

An author we had scheduled for next week just canceled. Can you fill in?

I am open to last-minute bookings and do not charge extra for them.